Increase manufacturing speed and
accuracy with ERP Software Solutions

Manufacturers have a big responsibility of adapting new and ever changing business networks, without which they cannot get competitive in the market
The industrial manufacturer always tries to come up with something different in the market, they are under pressure to find the most economical, reliable and new product in the changing world of technology. This can be improved with adapting change at a fast pace, high performing inventory, demand-driven environment.
BTC software brings a solution for such manufacturers by providing them with a system that is fully integrated production and supply chain solutions. We help this industry to work in parallel with market competition by latest technology tools. This ultimately helps in bringing satisfaction of the customers, maximizing the profits, decreasing the risk factors.

- Simplify the experience of the user from wherever they want on any device.
- Manage the whole sales process from order taking to post sales activities
- Connect the headquarter with business franchises or partners
- Provide full and fledge information to every staff
- Helps in tracking material and inventory information
BTC offers affordable ERP for Manufacturing Industry. Gain Business visibility and increase productivity in your manufacturing process. Benefits such as make better business decision, Increase Operational Efficiency, Streamline Production and planning, Improved sales and opportunity visibility, lower customer service costs.